
Hi, im issadarkthing (raziman). I’m making this website to express my nerd self to the world. Back in 2019, I was intrigued how we are able to instruct computer how to do certain things effectively and efficiently. From there I start to pickup on a few high level programming languages such as javascript. Amazed by how softwares are built upon programming language I started to learn other programming languages such go, c, c++ and rust.

I learned how most of the project are organized, and I started to build a serious project. I’ve made a lot of side projects in my free time in order to not waste my time during my youth and focusing to my future.

Not only that, I started to do freelancing and start taking projects from other people. This not only boosts my confidence in software development but also increases my experience in dealing or handling with clients.


I am a mechanical engineering student who love to do programming as a hobby. I spend most of my time programming and discover new softwares available out there.