Kill Process Using Fzf

Tags: #bash, #fzf

I wrote a helper script to find processes and kill them using fzf. By default it uses sigterm 15 to kill the process. If you want to change the sigterm code for example, 9 you can just pass it as argument like so kp 9. To exit without killing any process, press esc key.

Copy and paste this to a file and rename it as kp. After that, change the file’s permission to executable chmod +x kp. Move the file to be in one of the $PATH directory so that you can freely use command kp anywhere in your system.


# default to sigterm -15

pid=$(ps -ef \
	| sed 1d \
	| eval "fzf ${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS} -m --header='[kill:process:$SIGCODE]'" \
	| awk '{print $2}')

if [[ -n $pid ]]; then
  echo $pid | xargs kill $SIGCODE